Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Celebration of Birth" Contest Possibilities

 Updated 30 October.

Here are my picks from my latest dollyshoot and the hopefuls for my second entry into the Magical Angel Doll Contest,

1. in sepia

2. in black and white

3. B&W

4. B&W closer in

5.w/brother, in B&W

6. w/brother, in sepia

Keep in mind as you vote, the theme is "Celebration of Birth" and Thank You for your support!!! <3 p="p">


Magical Angel Dolls is having a contest and I can't decide between these photos for my first entry,

Thank you for voting!! :)

  Update 11 Oct,

  I've done more editing and cut it down to three photos. Thank you so much for voting!! :D