Friday, March 22, 2013

This is not a dolly blog..

Well, maybe a little bit.. Sometimes.

  But, sometimes it's about my boy turning 15. My Youngest boy turning 15. Aiee.. We had these awesome plans to head to Lake Jocassee with our camera's and a picnic but it was really, really cold and there was rain in the forecast, so we settled for a locale where we had planned on doing a photoshoot at for ages: the old defunct industrial mill in Westminster, S.C.

  But, that had to wait til after a trip to the DMV for a drivers permit, one Zumba class and a stop at Los Amigos for lunch..

If you can manage to hear the Latin music in the background you can almost see her doing the Flamenco in this picture. Well, if you can ignore the bunny ears behind her head, that is..
On to the Mill!!

  And yup, nothing much here but a bunch of dead grass, broken windows and debris,lots of debris...

We'll be going back to the old mill sometime with my good camera and I'll prolly bring this girl along again. It demands the quiet thoughtfulness that she projects. Interestingly enough, her name is soo very opposite from her demur, reserved personality; My FL Zoe girl's name is 'Boo.'

  The mill site was was kinda cool in a melancholy sort of way. Spring might make for wonderfully contrasting photos. I'm sure we'll be back sooner than later.

  And in case anyone just randomly happened to wonder what the inside of a pocket looks like, well here's what the inside of my pocket looked like to Boo:

  Speaking of random, I should make this a Zumba Dolly blog! Boo is much too serious for Zumba but I bet Toto sure would love to go! LOL

  Toto is super happy to have his big sister home. :)

 Boo is settling in nicely..

.. and making new friends already.

  Well see more of all of my lovelies soon!! <3>