Thursday, April 18, 2013

More of my silly life..

Because this is not a dolly blog I will post Other things too....

  See I do Zumba! With people who have about my same maturity level. And no, their mothers didn't send them to school with bars over their eyes to bounce off of things. The bars are there for the protection of the kiddies identities.... duh...
I lika do da cha cha

 And older pic of Toto with his wolf who is STILL in WIP stage. XD

Zoeboo and Toto went with us to Greenville to see the pretty aeroplanes, one of which my eldest got on and flew away to Miss. for a whole week of pole climbing!! But, breakfast was good.

 Yes, I said pole-climbing. My boy is now fourth generation with da phone company. He's the only one who actually managed to look cool in this picture! LOL

We got another clutch of Aracuana chicks to celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary. 
hee hee 

Then we went to Table Rock State park cause we'd never been. Of course I took my FL babies with. :D

Toto was having so much fun. But, he was kinda hot in the dragon suit so we had to go home and change.

And Toto wanted funky new hair to go with his Spring outfit (and he also wanted his still-in-WIP-stage wolf to sit in the picture with him.)

Boo had her pink floofy wig worked on and much improved. We are much happier with it now. I love this shot. :)

My ID "Sweet" Finally got his new face; Isn't He Cute??!!!!!! Daawwwwwww!!